Saturday, November 17, 2012

Tis the season of great deals!

*Photo and information from Aero Minerale promotion 
The foundation I hear angels singing over is on sale???!!!! You can see the details of the promotion according to the company below. I just tried the code and it makes each can $10 a bottle which is about the price you can get it with at Ulta for a high dollar coupon but why wait for the coupon? I know I'm not going to and ordering mine today!

Why wait?

Indulge in the beauty

of a Black Friday deal NOW

without leaving the couch...

Aero Minerale has a Black Friday preview

you cannot miss!

100% Gorgeous at 50% Of The Price

Get Ready For a Beautiful Holiday Season.


50% off + Free Shipping

On any 2+ can order



Individual customers only within the 48 continental United States

Friday, November 16, 2012

Sealed with a Kiss

My ultimate favorite lip product is CoverGirls Lipslick Lipgloss! I like to play up my eyes and tone down my lips and this is my all time love! I don't like my lips to feel sticky, with this product they feel moisturized like chapstick and have a sheer shimmer. The only downer is that it doesn't last long, you have to reapply often to keep the look but over the years I've tried many different 'lipglosses' and I always go back to this one. Plus the double kiss factor is that it is under $5, well worth the price, your lips will thank you!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

BirchBox plug #2

I promised last time I gave BirchBox a plug that I would tweet a picture of my next box. LOVED my November box- full size mascara, mini nail polish and shine serum, a SoyJoy bar and sample of powder.   How fun! Money well spent my friend, only $10 a month and every month is a surprise (Click the link under the picture, you know you want to ;-)!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Can I get a woot woot???

I'm so excited to see today that e.l.f. has their Holiday Gift sets 50% off! This is a great deal on products that are already reasonable. There is a catch, you have to spend $25 to get the deal but this might be a great time to stalk up your own makeup bag or to play Santa and buy gifts for friends. The eyeshadow I last blogged about would be $7 in this deal! Can I get a woot woot???? 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I wish you a Merry Black Friday!

One of my favorite times of year is joyous Black Friday! Where wise men bring great deals while we are all still high on turkey. My greatest makeup find last year was this e.l.f eyeshadow palette (pictured) found at Target last year for $5!!! It retails for around $17 so it really was a great deal! What is even more amazing is that it is still practically full a year later. It has a lot of bold colors which make great liner accent colors (take a wet q-tip and just line your top of bottom lid with a bright color that matches your clothes for a fun look) but it also was packed full of wonderful neutrals which are awesome base everyday work appropriate lid colors. Keep an eye out for this in black Friday ads and if you see it or any other e.l.f products be sure to snatch them up!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Toothpaste- Not just for teeth...

Image from Kid'sHealth
90% of the time my Apricot Scrub/Rubbing Alcohol combo keeps my skin blemish free...and then thanks to hormones I have a spout of breakouts especially during 'the time' (sorry dudes but you are reading a makeup blog, what do you expect?). Lately my face has been a disaster which is out of the ordinary. Today when on my forehead a new mountain appeared big enough to need a name I decided I had to do something. So tonight I am going to sleep minty fresh and I don't just mean my teeth. I take a dab of toothpaste (the old fashioned white kind works best) and I put it straight on the blemish. Usually by morning when it is time to wash it off (don't forget to wash it off!) it has drastically decreased in size and redness. If you do this a few nights in a row usually the blemishes will disappear. Good luck and stay fresh!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Votes are In!

In honor of Election Day I'm electing my favorites in makeup ;) My favorite brand for fun colors and great quality eyeshadow is by far MAC, more of a high end product but it lasts which makes it worth it to me!

Everything skincare my vote goes to Clinique. I've used various foundations, creams, blushes etc. of theirs for years. I'll be blogging about specific Clinique products in future posts. 

Cheap but great quality is definitely NYC makeup but another favorite is...
e.l.f eyeshadows are pretty awesome!

Stay tuned for future posts featuring my tried and true favorites from these and other amazing brands. Happy Election Day everyone! 


After trying the Loreal cleansing conditioner version of Wen and liking it but not the smell I decided to try the shampoo and conditioner by the same line. What I found was that instead of EverSleek I had EverGrease. For me this is crazy, I have very course, dry, frizzy hair. My hair NEVER gets greasy and this shampoo and conditioner makes it look like I've rubbed oil on my head as a fashion statement. After looking on amazon at reviews of this product I found that many people had similar experiences with it (unless you have fine hair, people with fine hair somehow find it amazing). What I learned: Do your research BEFORE buying the product regardless how cheap!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Heard it from a friend who...

You know that old 80's song 'Heard it from a friend who, heard it from a friend who, heard it from another...' well it isn't exactly that but I wanted to share with you a product review from my bestest friend. When she told me about it, I knew I just had to share. She recently tried CoverGirl Smoky Shadowblast. It looks really cool and offers claims of being an eyeliner and an eyeshadow. It comes in a variety of cool colors and is around $10. Her experience though was less than stellar. She wrote, "It smeared all over after only 50 minutes, by that night it looked completely awful, eyeliner was only applied to the top but it was smeared down below my eyes, but this stuff made me look like a freaking raccoon or something, it was awful." She is not a complainer so when she said she was calling the company I knew it had to be bad, last time she called a company there was a clump of hair in a snickers she gave me. She spoke highly of CoverGirl's customer service. They are going to send her a coupon for a free full sized product and were super nice about it saying that they might have her send the product back for a quality control check. Just thought I'd let you know this cool looking product might be worth skipping over until they get the quality of this product under control. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Old Gray Mare Ain't What She Used to be...

It has been a crazy busy week with Halloween and all, I haven't gotten a chance to blog in days! As a nice de-stress from the crazy, last night I went out for girls night out with friends. Being a 30 year old mother of 2 and closing down a place (seriously they turned the lights on us and turned off the music), getting home well after 1 and waking up with the kiddos is not the best beauty look. I need a coffee IV and have debated just dumping it in the sink and sticking my head in but like all great mothers we have to pull it together and make Saturday an awesome family day, run errands and conquer the world. So what do I need? An awesome concealer of course! Garnier Skin Renew Anti-Dark Circle Roller was introduced to me by my bestie and I love it! It is a great under eye dark circle relief that will help me look like I actually got sleep last night. The price is pretty decent, around $10 and I bought mine 6 months ago and it is still working. So if like me, you just can't party with the best of them anymore without looking like a hot mess, slap some concealer on and cover up the fact you aren't 21 anymore...

Monday, October 29, 2012

Is someone trying to tell me something?

I received a mysterious package in the mail. I open it and this is the contents, Living proof's frizz nourishing styling idea where this came from but hint taken. I've been battling frizzy hair for years so I'll take any help I can get! So of course I tried it out and decided to blog about it. As recommended I applied after my shower to damp hair and then dried and flat ironed and my hair was noticeably softer and smoother. The smell was decent and I felt like it lived up to its no frizz claim. This was after just one use so I will have to update after I use it for awhile. After some research the con is that this 4 oz bottle is $17.98 on Amazon (another sign I for one didn't purchase it) which is pretty pricey for such a small bottle. I will let you know how long it lasts which will make a difference in whether it is worth its price. There is also a shampoo and conditioner which runs to the tune of $30 a bottle...yikes, if my mysterious sender would like to hook me up with those too I'll greatly appreciate it...

Sunday, October 28, 2012

To B or not to BB

*Image taken from Garnier Facebook Page
I'm running out the door on this chilly Sunday morning. I haven't showered yet and to be honest we were headed to Walmart with two kids so caring what I looked like was not a top priority but I'm also not crazy enough to leave the house with no makeup on at all...soooo I grabbed my Garnier BB Cream, quickly applied like lotion, threw on a sweatshirt and was out the door. I use to use Garnier's BB Cream on a daily basis, it's not bad, I didn't notice any improvement to my complexion over the months I used it but if you read my last blog about my daily scrub, my complexion really isn't that bad. The texture is thick and a little greasy and what I noticed was by 3:00 p.m. I was looking like I never put makeup on at all, it was like it slid right off my face and then my mist makeup fell from heaven and solved that problem. I still like the Garnier BB Cream for days like today where I don't need to look good all day or even for a day at the beach, it has SPF 15 in it which is a plus. So if you want to B naturally pretty for a few hours go ahead and BB.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

MAC Pigments, a dab will do ya!

MAC has been a favorite of mine for many years. My absolute FAVORITE MAC product are their pigments. You might be thinking, 'Hey Lady I thought you were on a budget!' but what you will discover with the MAC pigments is that your $22 investment will last FOREVER! MAC pigments are highly concentrated color so only a little will accomplish the goal. I wet my eyeshadow brush and just sweep the lid of my pigment jar for a high def color that shimmers and withstands the demands of the day. I have yet to finish a pigment jar and I use them a few times a week. I bought my first pigment jar 6 years ago! My two favorite colors Blue Brown and Brown Green have been discontinued for a few years so I will cry sad sad tears when I officially finish them- if they do reappear snatch them up because they are amazing! My suggestion to you is to find a color you love and try it out. I lean towards a base eyelid color with pigments because they are a little two shimmery as a highlighter. Let me know which colors you love! 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Bye Bye Blemishes

I've shared this beauty secret of mine with friends for years! St. Ives Blemish Control Apricot Scrub is a daily must have- I've tried other scrubs, even high dollar scrubs and nothing compares. I notice a difference too if I don't use it. There have been times we have gone out of town and I just wash my face with whatever and then sure enough I look like an 18 year old smack down in the middle of puberty with a face you could play connect the dots on! I wash my face with this once daily in the shower and then twice a day clean my face with regular rubbing alcohol and I get compliments on my skin all the time. If you have dry skin I would probably only do the rubbing alcohol wipe down once a day or every other day. These two put together make a blemish busting clear complexion team! 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Beauty and the Beast

And the Beast

Today we are talking mascaras. Now I've been on the hunt for the perfect mascara for years! I've tried expensive, cheap, vibrating, plumping, you name it, I've tried it. My most recent find though is quite decent and you can't beat the price. My latest tries were CoverGirl's Lash Blast 24 Hour Mascara and NYC's Skyrise Mascara. Now let's talk about the 'beast' first. For around $6 you can buy CoverGirl's Lash Blast mascara but what I found is that the brush holds too much mascara, when you apply, it will likely end up all over your eye. Even after I would remove the extra smudges with a Q-tip by the end of the day I would look rather raccoonish. After a week I was over it! I knew my husband would not be thrilled I wanted a new mascara after just buying a mascara the week before when we were on a tight budget so I started hunting for a price even he couldn't refuse. What I found: NYC's Skyrise Mascara for $1! I was pretty skeptical and to be quite honest I was hoping this would just get me by until mascara was back up on the priority list but what I found was a mascara that I would definitely buy over and over again. It isn't phenomenal, you won't hear angels singing like with my awesome foundation find BUT I think you will be happy with the results and for the price you can't beat trying it!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Birchbox- Christmas every month!

Birchbox- Like Christmas in July, August, September, October...

I wish I would have taken a picture of my actual box this month but like Christmas it takes a lot to restrain myself from ripping the package open and checking out my goodies. I promise next month to take a picture before tearing it to shreds. For $10 a month (which for me I have automatically deducted at the start of the month) you get a box of decent sized high-dollar product samples. I've received sample mascara, nail polish, lip gloses, eye-shadow etc. It is a beauty lovers dream! I look forward to it each month and with the stresses of motherhood and working, a girl needs a little pampering, luckily mine comes wrapped with a pretty bow in my mailbox each month. Check it out:

Dollar Tree Eye-shadow

Colour me glow by Profusion-This is the eye-shadow that I rave about in my profile. I actually first found this in Walgreens by the check out counter for $1, since then I have found a variety of the same kind at Dollar Tree for- yes a dollar!!! I get compliments on this eye-shadow all the time, it provides long wear and sparkle and I wear the neutral shades almost daily. The black sparkle also doubles as an eye-liner. One of my favorite finds! 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Seriously you will hear angels singing...

Aero Minerale Makeup Mist
Start singing Hallelujah, see the heaven's open up and shine down on this foundation. Over the summer I was really into researching airbrush makeup, like the Temptu system that Emily Maynard the previous Bachelorette raves about all the time. These systems cost over $150 dollars and then my friend posted about this makeup on Facebook. The more I googled it the more it appealed to me, supposedly it is the official makeup of Twilight (fitting how the Part B of Breaking Dawn is being released in just a few weeks). I read how this makeup is how the actors get their 'flawless' look. I rushed over to my local Ulta and brainstormed colors with the consultants there (it did take me a couple of trys to get it right but they are awesome about letting you exchange even after you open it). I even got a high dollar coupon to use for joining their free rewards program (I get high dollar coupons now all the time in the mail and use them to refill when I'm out). What I found was that you can't spray it on, I can't anyway I'm not that talented, however when I spray it on my fingers and apply it like a regular foundation I achieve a flawless look may want to sit down for this....STAYS ON ALL DAY (yes I really did shout it). The first day I wore it was a weekend where I love to nap with my little ones, we were going to a movie after naptime and I woke up and barely had to touch up my eyes. AMAZING! You can pick it up at Ulta for around $15 but if you have a coupon or sign up for their rewards program you will get it for less. A great deal considering the can lasted over 2 months with daily use and I don't have to retouch throughout the day.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Loreal vs. Wen


So I received a sample of Wen Sweet Almond Mint (very similar to the one pictured). I was super excited because after watching the informercials I was convinced this was going to save my frizzy semi straight semi curly hair. I have to say I really really liked it but after searching and searching online I just couldn't justify the price. The cheapest place I could find it was on Amazon and even still a small bottle is like 20 bucks. I read that the auto-shipment from the Wen distributors website charges you the $30 a month and you really don't need a new bottle each month so it ends up being a rip-off. So I started looking for Plan B and found Loreal's Cleansing Conditioner which on Amazon has raving reviews comparing it to Wen. I was thrilled because at $5 a bottle I could afford it! The Loreal product seemed to be very similar in results (although I hate to admit I liked the texture of my hair better with Wen) the only pitfall was the smell of the Loreal product. It was very much a strong perfumey White Diamonds sorta smell and after 1 bottle I decided I just couldn't handle it. I think it is worth a try if you want to experiment with a Cleansing Conditioner but aren't ready to commit to the price of Wen. I heard Wen just realized a Ginger Pumpkin fall scent, hmmmmm maybe I'll win Lotto...