Sunday, October 28, 2012

To B or not to BB

*Image taken from Garnier Facebook Page
I'm running out the door on this chilly Sunday morning. I haven't showered yet and to be honest we were headed to Walmart with two kids so caring what I looked like was not a top priority but I'm also not crazy enough to leave the house with no makeup on at all...soooo I grabbed my Garnier BB Cream, quickly applied like lotion, threw on a sweatshirt and was out the door. I use to use Garnier's BB Cream on a daily basis, it's not bad, I didn't notice any improvement to my complexion over the months I used it but if you read my last blog about my daily scrub, my complexion really isn't that bad. The texture is thick and a little greasy and what I noticed was by 3:00 p.m. I was looking like I never put makeup on at all, it was like it slid right off my face and then my mist makeup fell from heaven and solved that problem. I still like the Garnier BB Cream for days like today where I don't need to look good all day or even for a day at the beach, it has SPF 15 in it which is a plus. So if you want to B naturally pretty for a few hours go ahead and BB.


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