Thursday, October 25, 2012

Beauty and the Beast

And the Beast

Today we are talking mascaras. Now I've been on the hunt for the perfect mascara for years! I've tried expensive, cheap, vibrating, plumping, you name it, I've tried it. My most recent find though is quite decent and you can't beat the price. My latest tries were CoverGirl's Lash Blast 24 Hour Mascara and NYC's Skyrise Mascara. Now let's talk about the 'beast' first. For around $6 you can buy CoverGirl's Lash Blast mascara but what I found is that the brush holds too much mascara, when you apply, it will likely end up all over your eye. Even after I would remove the extra smudges with a Q-tip by the end of the day I would look rather raccoonish. After a week I was over it! I knew my husband would not be thrilled I wanted a new mascara after just buying a mascara the week before when we were on a tight budget so I started hunting for a price even he couldn't refuse. What I found: NYC's Skyrise Mascara for $1! I was pretty skeptical and to be quite honest I was hoping this would just get me by until mascara was back up on the priority list but what I found was a mascara that I would definitely buy over and over again. It isn't phenomenal, you won't hear angels singing like with my awesome foundation find BUT I think you will be happy with the results and for the price you can't beat trying it!


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